Statement on Attacks from the Mayor of Irvine

June 10, 2020
Irvine, CA - For the Mayor of Irvine to use dog whistle tactics to infer that standing up against racism is somehow un-American or un-Patriotic, and equates with supporting violence is unacceptable. This is not what our city is about.
Last week, Irvine Mayor Christina Shea attacked me on Facebook and accused me of supporting "less police protection and more violence" for supporting the Black Lives Matter movement. After I responded, she deleted post and blocked me on Facebook. For the Mayor of Irvine to use dog whistle tactics to infer that standing up against racism is somehow un-American or un-Patriotic, and equates with supporting violence is unacceptable. This is not what our city is about.
We need elected officials who embrace eradicating implicit bias, racism, and brutality against Black people - PERIOD. This is non-negotiable and the absolute minimum we should expect of any public official. When elected, I will continue to fight against systematic racism and injustice, while ensuring that the Irvine police have the funding necessary to keep our residents safe.